Examples Of Negative Stereotypes Of Christians

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Christian stereotypes are endangering the Christian Faith Christians are hypocritical, judgemental, and corrupted. At least that is what society thinks. I, however, believe that these negative stereotypes about Christians are what is leading to the decline of the faith. These views pressure Christians to stay quiet about their faith, therefore not spreading the news to the people who need to hear it most. Society envisions all Christians as the stereotypical extremist, who will go to any length to assert their absurd viewpoints. Everyone assumes Christians are hypocritical and judgemental because they all claim to obey and follow rules and teachings, yet they do not put these into practice. Because of what the public has seen from Christians, they have gained an atrocious reputation. On the contrary, there are a …show more content…

However, their strange viewpoint not based off God, but their own ideas. Not all Christian are extremists, with radical views about the faith, there are various types of Christians. The “extremist’ is just a negative media stereotype to isolate Christians. Society portrays all Christians as bad and ridiculous people. The thing that people choose to focus their attention on is the negative things that we do. Moreover, common stereotypes that negatively affect Christians are being called judgemental and hypocritical. A US study shows that 90% people between the ages of 16 and 29 believe Christians to be judgemental. Throughout history and to this day, this has remained a dominant view over the Christian faith. Some preachers and Christians have judged non-Christians based on their lifestyle choices, preferences, and worldly views. Although this is the opposite of what Jesus wants, not all Christians are like