Examples Of Patriarchy In I Am Malala

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Throughout the text of, I Am Malala, there are numerous incidences of showing the patriarchal system that is in place in that society. Throughout chapters 11 - 15, there are some specific examples that are talked about, in a somewhat off hand manner, that cast more light on that issue. One way that I interpret the book in terms of patriarchy, is through the Taliban. Because the Taliban are an extremist group, that is in support of a patriarchal system, all of their actions can be viewed with the intention of supporting and implementing such a system. One event that I thought was a very apparent example of a patriarchal system in place was in chapter 11, when the elders of the town decided to form an assembly. Malala writes how there was three males selected to go from “Hujra to Hujra,” to convince the other elders to band together during the time of great crisis. This is a really good example because all of the elders, as well as those going out and spreading the message of unity were all men. Going off definition of patriarchy this shows how those in control were all males, and that is an underlying tone of male domination. …show more content…

Malala references that the first girl who was asked was not allowed to do the diary, because after trying to hide it, the girls father found out and told her she could not do it. While that does sound natural to want to protect your child and fear for their safety, it is also very notable that is the father that is doing the prohibiting and not the mother. While the mother may have agreed, or disagreed (it is not discussed), with the fathers decision, it shows who had the ultimate power in that

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