Persuasive Techniques In Advertising Essay

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The transfer device uses symbols such as the cross representing the Christian church and the flag to represents a nation. Name-calling “Name-calling” is a device to make people from a judgement without examining the evidence on which should be based. Here the propagandist appeals to the feelings of the hate and fear. The propagandist does this by associating “bad names” to nations, races, policies, beliefs, groups, or individuals, which he/she would people condemn and reject. Examples: Homewrecker drug dealer Communist dictator Red drug addict Card stacking “Card stacking” is a device in which the propagandist employs all the arts of deception to fool people. The propagandist stacks the cards against the truth. Underemphasis …show more content…

What particular advertisement/s seem/s acceptable to you? Why? Persuasive Techniques in Contemporary Advertising Richard Campbell The following reading selection from a textbook about mass communication presents the various strategies that advertisers use to get people to buy their products. As you read, think about the kinds of items that you buy and whether or not you have seen those items advertised. Consider what kinds of advertising seem to influence you or the people you know. Ad agencies and product companies often argue that the main purpose of advertising is to inform consumers straightforwardly of available products. In fact, many types of advertisements, like classified ads in newspaper, are devoted primarily to delivering price information. Most consumers ads, however, merely tell stories about products without revealing much about prices. Since national advertisers generally choose to buy a one-page magazine ad or thirty second television spot to deliver their pitch, consumers get little information about how a product is made or how it compares with similar brands. In managing space and time constraints, advertising agencies engage in a variety of persuasive techniques. Conventional persuasive