Examples Of Pride In Gilgamesh

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Of all Seven Deadly Sins, Pride is the sin that is the most important in “Gilgamesh the Hero.” The pride of Gilgamesh,. As well as other characters in the story, influenced the way Gilgamesh’s life unfolded. Without Pride, Gilgamesh might not have thought to pick up the meteor and the axe in his dream. Without pride, his fate would be changed, and “Gilgamesh the Hero” would never be the same. Gilgamesh has shown that he was prideful throughout the entire book. One of the first examples of pride in the book was when he dared to pick up the meteor in his dream. This act of pride affected his fate and foreshadowed his fame and wealthiness. When Gilgamesh decided that he wanted to marry Ishtar, the goddess of love, he unknowingly caught her attention.