
Examples Of Racial Issues In Schools

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Racial Issues
Slavery ended in 1865 and since that day people all over the world have had to deal with racial behavior. Racism can be expressed in many different ways from small instances to nation changing problems. For instance, all of the laws that our nation had in the early 1900’s keeping black people from going certain places or doing the same things as white people. Then there are people that like to express their feelings in a big spiritual group like the Ku Klux Klan. There has also been huge racism problems such as the riot in New Orleans in the year 1900 sparked by a shoot-out between the police and a Negro laborer that lasted 4 total days and included about 20,000 people (American). Every human no matter what race or ethnic background …show more content…

The Missouri governor Jay Nixon issued a statement saying he “appreciated” Wolfe’s gesture and that there is now “more work to do”(Loftin). It is not easy to try and make the atmosphere of Missouri better when even after the issue is solved the students of the school still continue to protest. The main goal of the school right now is to get the campus back to how it was when everyone felt safe and nobody felt uneasy. Jay Nixon promised all racial issues will be dealt with, no matter what the circumstance (Loftin), and this was the first step of many to come. Mike Middleton was the man selected to come into the University of Missouri and take over campus as the new intern president, many people were surprised by this because Mike Middleton is a black man. Some people thought the only reason he got the job was because he is black but his resume proved otherwise. Mike Middleton has been deeply involved with racist issues since his college days when he delivered a list of demands to the Missouri chancellor dealing with racial issues (Addo). Mike Middleton also founded the legion of Black Collegians and promised action would be taken as soon as possible, this is what gained the respect of students, staff, and citizens (Addo). During all the racial conflict Missouri University took many substantial losses. The school lost tons of money from the football team refusing to play and …show more content…

The university has made some extreme changes to how they go about everyday life on campus. The school now has a chief diversity officer on campus at all times. The school also hired an inclusion and equity officer to review the policies of the school on a daily basis (Svulrga). The efforts to obtain a safe learning environment at the University are now at an all-time high. Another thing the school is doing is giving additional support to those who experienced discrimination during this time of struggle (Svulga). Each of these students will be given extra financial help and whatever else is needed to get them through college. When white students first heard about the financial help black students were getting it caused an immediate rise from the student body but that was soon brought to an end by the new intern president. Mike Middleton was the true answer to all the prayers sent by Missouri and he continues to do a great job in protecting the students each and every day. This movement proved that if something is going wrong no matter how hard you have to work you can change it. Stand up for your rights as a human being. If you see racism don’t be a bystander and help the person being bullied. If you cannot do anything about it get someone of a higher power or form a group

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