
Examples Of Racial Slurs In To Kill A Mockingbird

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According to an unknown author, “the fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution are inherent for all” (“About Black Lives Matter Movement ''). Meaning, all should be equal no matter their race or color, and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee fails to provide diverse representation to all people by popularizing the white characters much more than the black ones. To Kill a Mockingbird bases the story in southwest Alabama, 1933-1935 in a town named Maycomb. The main family called the Finches has a son named Jem, a daughter named Scout, and a father named Atticus. The Finch family is set in the white part of Maycomb alongside many racist white families. Then, across a railroad separating the white and black part of town lives …show more content…

For example, the use of racial slurs makes communities split and could create the idea that the use of slurs is ok. Tom Robinson, a black man, and Bob Ewell, the father of the girl who was “raped” were both taken to court under a false rape claim. Bob Ewell shows he's a terrible role model when in court “[Bob] stood up and pointed [Bob's] finger at Tom Robinson. ´—[Bob] seen that black [N-word] yonder ruttin’ on [Bobs] Mayella´”(Harper Lee 231)! As others criticize the racial slurs used throughout the novel, a critic points out that ¨The word '[N-word]' is used 48 times [in] the novel … There are many available books which reflect the past history of African-Canadians or Americans without subjecting African-Canadian learners to this type of degradation¨(Racism in To Kill A …show more content…

With the influence of Aunt Alexandra, the novel disregarded black people as humans a lot more. She thought of them as servants to her or people to fit her needs as seen when she yelled to Calpurnia to take her bags. This behavior projects the image that colored people are too weak to say anything back or that they should just listen. Which is more proof of the lack of diverse representation this novel presents. Also, the quote made by a critic used in the evidence perfectly explains the novel's image of black people. The critic stated the novel's projection of Blacks being somnolent and just waiting for someone else to save them. Which discredits the black community and falsely characterizes them as background or unimportant

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