Examples Of Spiral Of Silence Theory

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The spiral of silence theory was developed by Elisabeth Noelle-Neuman, a political scientist, in 1974. The theory is a basic example of majority rule. The theory explains that due to the majority’s belief on a specific topic the minority will remain silent due to the fact they do not wish to be isolated or looked down upon for having an unpopular opinion. Therefore rather than potentially be outcasted, the minority will chose to maintain their silence in order to fit in with public opinion. This theory can be very popular for political views, as it can be used as a way to gain the popular opinion of the masses. According to the theory, the more majority speak out the less likelihood the minority will try to oppose. Making this theory a potential …show more content…

Public opinion is just a collection of certain thoughts and opinions that is open for everyone to speak their mind. With the populace giving opinions over a specific subject. It allows many researchers, especially in media, to determine what will be deemed as a hot topic with the people. Allowing the media to reach out to people in order to advocate certain information or products to the people. However, there is one potential drawback with public opinion as it can be easily controlled by certain people in power. For example: If Dwayne Johnson was to advocate for a specific protein supplement offering tremendous results, Many fans and aspiring bodybuilders would be more likely to take Dwayne Johnson's word on the product. With such a large fanbase, they can easily become the majority further advocating the supposed usefulness of the product. Whether or not the product is actually good is of little consequence. Because of Dwayne Johnson being in incredible shape for a man his age, he is more credible to advocate the protein supplement. The fact remains that due specific people’s position of power, they can easily flip the spectrum of public opinion. Therefore, what was once the majority can easily turn into the minority and vice versa. The scary part, is that it doesn’t just apply to products, it can also apply to personal beliefs. Whether or not climate change is a real issue, or if people should be pro-life or pro-choice, even people’s very religion can be hinged on