Examples Of Stereotypes And Misconceptions

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Stereotypes and misconceptions are seen wherever a person travels, wherever a person lives, and wherever a person sleeps--basically they are everywhere we go. Stereotypes are based on truths, that exaggerates a group and society bases the stereotype of that group. While misconceptions differ from stereotypes, misconceptions form from having stereotypes, are based from untruths and that group are incorrectly viewed by error. Stereotypes exist in order to monetize certain groups and strip them of their pride, not only are stereotypes negative, but it can be positive. Misconceptions exist due to the fact, that people do not have the level of education or the skills of critical thinking and rationalization and automatically assume without knowing the facts about a group. The baby boomers have witnessed a shift in culture as World War II came to an end. The next Generation made changes in history, the way people would live, and how the next Generation will be perceived by society. Past Generation is known to have worked hard to achieve a goal or accomplish something big, but Generation Z reveals itself in a different path which society mistaken the way they live. Unfortunately, stereotypes are used to give a negative portrayal to a certain group and tends to dehumanize the way of that group’s lifestyle, due to the truth being exaggerated. People tend to confuse misconception being the same as a stereotype, but in reality misconceptions originate from stereotypes, but are false