
Examples Of The Hero's Journey In The Movie Home

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The hero's journey is about a person who is called to go on a journey to complete a heroic task and in turn greatly benefits their community or people around them in some way. The movie Home, directed by Tim Johnson, is about an alien species called Boov trying to conquer Earth as their new home by attempting removal of all humans from the planet. After the Boov came to Earth, Oh accidentally reveals their location to their enemy, the Gorg. The Boov are now in danger and the only one that can save them is Oh. As Oh helps Tip find her mother and save the Boov from the Gorg, he becomes the hero no one expects him to be. The movie Home is a perfect example of the hero's journey as shown by Joseph Campbell’s theory.
The beginning of the hero's journey starts with the call to adventure or the departure. In this first step, the hero is called to complete a task but for some reason or another, refuses to fulfill that obligation. Someone then comes along and motivates or helps the hero fulfill their given task. In Home, Oh was given the chance to correct his mistake and save all of the Boov from being found by their enemy, the Gorg. Oh became very scared and was not sure if he was capable of fulfilling this overbearing task; but then he met Gratuity Tunchi or better known as, Tip. Oh explained his current situation to Tip and she agreed to help Oh if he …show more content…

The hero finally fulfills their duty and can now begin the journey back home. Oh and Tip managed to stop the message from getting to the Gorg and Oh helped Tip find her mother. Though, during Tip’s revival with her mother, the Gorg showed up demanding Oh return a belonging of his. Oh realized the only reason the Gorg was angry with the Boov was because the captain of the Boov had stolen a special rock from the Gorg. When the Gorg received the rock from Oh, he showed Oh that it was not just any ordinary rock. Instead, the rock contained the next generation of

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