The Notion Of The Hero's Journey In Movies

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The notion of the hero journey is widely used in multiple stories and movies. The hero’s journey includes these specific steps, Meeting the mentor, test allies, and enemies, and the Call to Adventure. In the realistic fiction novel Ghost Boys, they put the Hero’s Journey into the novel of 12 year old Jerome, who is a ghost because he is shot by a cop. He has to go through a series of events of working with other boys like him and the daughter of the cop that killed him who can see him to eventually put his soul to rest. The Meeting the Mentor is the first part of The Hero’s Journey that applies to the Ghost Boys. The meeting the mentor in The Hero’s Journey is when the character meets his mentor, like in Spider Man it is Uncle Ben. This section …show more content…

He teaches that there is racism in the world and he learned it the hard way and is now a ghost. They go through a lot together and form a group of Ghost Boys and Sarah writes a story on all of them. Emmett is the mentor of this story because he teaches Jerome and helps him. The second part of The Hero’s Journey is Test Allies and Enemies. This part of the Hero’s Journey is where the Hero is being tested and he is figuring out what his allies are and what his enemies are. This part happens when Jerome learns about Emmett's story when he makes a “disrespectful” act. Then she pulled and threatened him with a gun but then later came to his house with a group of men and where he was beaten to death and found not guilty. Jerome’s allies are Sarah and all the ghost boy and his friends and family and in this story Jerome doesn't have enemies beside the bullies. The third part of this work of fiction is our main character Jerome getting The Call to Adventure. The Call to Adventure in the Hero’s Journey is when the main character has something happen that gets an idea or a problem that they have an adventure for. In this novel, The Call to Adventure happens when Jerome dies and he is a ghost who is looking after his