Examples Of Trust In Julius Caesar

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Trust. Takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair. In the play Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare argues that the moral of the play is to choose the people you trust wisely, which is still relevant today because trust is broken all the time, and in the end we only have ourselves to trust. Julius Caesar displays many acts of broken promises and broken trust. In the play, one of Brutus’ negative characteristics is being too trusting. He first decides not to kill Antony thinking he will understand the reasoning behind Caesar's’ death, and is later augmented when he lets Antony speak at Caesar's’ funeral. “You shall not in your funeral speech blame us, But speak all good you can devise of Caesar” (III.i.245-246). Brutus trusts that Antony will not talk poorly about him, or the rest of the conspirators. Brutus believes Antony will talk only the good of Caesar, but in the end Antony turns the plebeians against them. Brutus never imagined Antony would do such thing because of the way he acted when receiving the news of Caesar's death, he agreed to talk only about the happiness Caesar brought, trust and promises were broken. This shows how trusting people can backfire so by taking care of only yourself and not trusting others is the best thing to do. …show more content…

His “best friend” Brutus stabs Caesar with the rest of the conspirators. “Et tu Brute, then fall Caesar”(III.i 77) This quote translates to ‘You too Brutus! Then fall Caesar’ This suggests that the betrayal by Brutus is just as responsible as the sword that killed Caesar, but is so Caesar's’ fault for trusting his ‘friend’. Caesar realized if his own so called best friend thinks he should be dead, then he himself believes he should die as well. Caesar believed others were loyal to him, and trusted many things each man spoke. Brutus’ actions were a display of broken trust and