Examples Of Who Is To Blame For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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Who is to Blame for the Deaths of Romeo and Juliet? In William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, the character that is most to responsible for their deaths art Friar Lawrence; that gent married those folk the day after those gents hath met, coequal though that gent wast aware of the rivalry between the Mntagues and Capulets, and that gent developeth a lacking valor plan to reunite those folk after Romeo’s exile, coequal leaving Juliet right ere the lady killeth herself. The Friar’s decisions ultimately hath led to the tragic demise of the two young lovers. At which hour making large decisions that wilt surely affect many people in the future, t is bethought that people should usually consult. At which hour that decision is madeth on a whim with no previous bethought or care, unfortunate things befall. The Friar is shortsighted and marries those folk in order to hopefully reunite the two families, that gent goeth and marries the two the night Romeo asketh. Some may bethink the coequal though Friar’s main wanteth to marry those folk is to connect the families, that gent still thinkest that thither art no dangers to their marriage, but I bethink that if’t be true that gent didn’t marry those folk, the problem would has’t nev’r …show more content…

Lawrence’s true waneth to marry the two cometh from his desire to unite the two families, Capulet and Montague. At which hour discussing Romeo and Juliet’s marriage, the Friar sayeth the following, “For this alliance may so joyous prove/To turn thy households’ rancor to pure love.”(2.3.91-92), showing that the Friar’s main intention is to unite the families and not to unite Romeo and Juliet. On the other hadith, the Friar that is possible for thither to beest some negative effects, and t is his responsibility to cease the marriage from happening because that gent is the Friar, and Romeo cameth to that gent to receiveth