Exodus Jealousy

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Anger is cruel, and wrath is like a flood, but jealousy is even more dangerous (Prov. 27:4 New Living Translation). In Exodus 20: 5 God tells us he is a jealous God. There is passion in this emotion. Other translations of Proverbs 27:4 ask who can stand before jealousy. Certainly we cannot stand before God’s jealousy. God will not tolerate idol worship in any form. Like God’s anger, his jealousy is righteous saving us from sin.
Conversely, our jealousy is prideful and selfish and often gets totally out of control. All through the Bible, jealousy leads to horrific actions. Jealousy is why Cain killed Abel and the cause of Joseph’s brothers selling him into slavery. Jealousy of Moses caused Miriam to voice words angering …show more content…

(Gen. 30:1a) Rachel was jealous of her sister allowing it to consume her thoughts and emotions until she turns on Jacob. She pleaded with Jacob, “Give me children, or I’ll die!” (Gen. 30:1b) Her jealousy is so intense she thinks it may kill her. Jacob’s response was less than loving, but his frustration is understandable. He listened to fighting men all day, surely it was not too much to ask for peace in the home. Suffice it to say jealousy is an effective tool used by Satan to lead us into sin and rob us of joy. In Rachel’s case she didn’t take delight in the love of her husband. Although we know little about Dorcas, it is hard to imagine jealousy being part of her character. Dorcas’ life was full with people around her who loved and cared for each other. Scheming was not in her personality, instead she spent her days helping others. When you read her story there is a sense of peace jealousy never allows.
Faithful living was a way of life for Dorcas. This was not a safe time to be a believer, but Dorcas’ conviction and trust in God gave her the courage to be a witness to her …show more content…

There are many Dorcas Societies meeting the needs of the poor, particularly by providing clothing. Certainly, Dorcas didn’t imagine her ministry alive and helping the poor in the 21st Century.
Journal Work Read 1 Samuel 1: 1-10. Peninnah’s husband loved Hannah more. Jealousy drove Peninnah’s mean spiritedness. On the other hand, Rachel had her husband’s love, but no children. Both of these women wasted precious time making life difficult for everyone in the home instead of finding joy in what God gave them. Did jealousy ever cause you to be mean or make someone feel inferior about themselves? Have you ever taken an unnecessary dig just to make yourself feel bigger?
What causes jealousy to rear its ugly head in your life? Is it material possessions, power, job title, accomplishment, appearance, or something else? Write down the areas challenging you in relation to jealousy and observe when jealousy begins to seep into your heart. Each time it occurs rebuke Satan’s hold on you in Jesus’ name. Read Deuteronomy 15: 7-8. Do you have concern for others that have less or feel less than? How about those who are lonely or