
Expansion To American History Essay

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Discuss the importance of expansion to American history: When discussing the “first” settlement in America, there’s a bit of controversy that comes along with this statement. Notwithstanding, there is without a doubt the idea that prior to the settlement of the European’s, America was unsettled land filled with untapped potential. On the subject of who first settled in America, according to Keene, Jennifer D. , et al. “The ancient inhabitants of America, Paleo-Indians, were an Ice Age people who survived largely by hunting big game and to a lesser extent by fishing and collecting edible plants” (Jennifer D., et al., 2013, p. 4). America did trade with other countries but mainly the land was used for food supply purposes. It is …show more content…

Conflict over whether to count slaves in the new lower house became the new controversy among the Americans and further raised the question of the moral issues with slavery. Slave owners in the south were insisted on keeping slavery and having them represented in house. Because slaves were also looked at as property, the question of representation seemed unfounded to those that opposed the slave trade. Because most southern states had large plantations that required human labor and the lack of advanced technology, the thought of ending slavery would negatively affect their production. Northern states didn’t have the same issues in fact, the North relied more on their technological advances so they didn’t see the necessity in slavery. According to Jennifer D., et al., “slavery discourages arts &manufactures” and for this reason many were in support of the constitution (Jennifer D., et al., 2013, p. 145). Debates among the house members would continue for some time with the division of member’s labeled as either “Federalists” or “Anti-Federalists’. In 1788 the Constitution was signed, however Anti-Federalists would only try a new strategy, with running for government

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