Experiential Family Theory

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Upon closing this course, the two most appealing theories and therapies that can be identified with is the experiential theory and the structural theory. These two theories both have similarities and differences among them, but for the most part, share similar standards when being used in a family therapy session. The similarities and differences that they have are the assumptions of the theory, concepts, goals of the therapy session, the role of the therapist, assessments used, interventions used, changes, when termination is necessary, self of the therapist, and the evaluations of them. The first comparison between experiential theory and structural theory is the assumptions of the two theories. The assumptions of experiential family therapy …show more content…

One concept is that of subsystems. These subsystems are crucial in identifying in therapy. Subsystems are one of the ways that a family will organize itself and finding out who is organized with whom in the family will help the therapist. Also, the boundaries, whether they are rigid, diffused, disengaged, enmeshed, roles, or clear, are a big part of structural family therapy. These boundaries must be identified as well in therapy. Basically, just figuring out who is on whose side and the relationship members have with one another will allow the therapist to easier communicate and work with the family. The next comparison between the two theories is the goals of the therapy session. The two are quite similar with their goals. The goals in experiential family therapy sessions are to ensure growth in the family, change, and flexibility. Therapists under experiential family therapy want to make those individuals that are quiet and secret, not secret or concealed. Another goal that experientialists set out to accomplish is to create or make greater the closeness between couples. With this, therapists want to decrease defenses and rigid behavior. Lastly, these therapists want to increase the individuality and …show more content…

They must be able to empathize with their clients and show that they care and will not judge them in any way. They also teach the family how to correctly and effectively communicate their feelings with one another. Lastly, therapists must increase the stress within the family, and then bring them back together again. Like experientialists, structural family therapists also want to disrupt the system and session just to bring it back together again. Structural therapists want to unsettle the system from its normal routine, as well as break down the certainty that a family has as to what or who they believe the problem is. Also like experientialists, these therapists are the directors in the session and facilitate how the session will go. When it comes to assessment in therapy sessions, the two theories are quite similar. Experiential family therapists want to assess and look at how individuals express themselves and how the family interacts with one another and whether or not that interaction is degrading or beneficial. They also want to observe and bring out the emotional parts of people that are normally covered up. Like these therapists, structural family therapists observe the family to see how they