Explain How Actions Define Us All

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Actions Define Us All

As you grow from a child to an adult, you are taught many things from multiple sources for example your parents, grandparents, teachers and friends. Did you think when you were a child that what you did would define everything you become? Did you think that actions you took ten years prior would come back to define you? Do these questions make you think of certain things you would have done differently, or are all of your decisions something that you stick by?


Throughout life, there have been many times where I have assumed certain things would occur. I would think about similar situations and feel that they should have a similar outcome or I would assume that someone was like me, therefore, they should act like me. We all have times that we can think of that has made us feel disappointment in the outcomes because we assumed things would go differently. My grandmother always said, "To assume I to make an ass of yourself and the other person." If we are to assume in human nature does that make everyone an ass? Can one assume the good in another person? Does assuming make me …show more content…

Beliefs and values are a learned set of guidelines that are passed down from the people we look to for guidance. Beliefs are the things that are instilled in us as children such as: lying is bad or stealing is wrong. Values are the things that we consider to be a judge of character such as: I do not lie because it is wrong or I don 't steal because it 's wrong. See how the two are interchangeable? Almost every human-being is taught a set of values/beliefs and most people use those as tools to make sound

judgements. Now think about this, does a serial killer have a distinct set of values/beliefs? Does that serial killer find that killing another person is considered the norm? Most people with strong ethical beliefs and values would have a hard time answering those