Who Is John Wayne Gacy A Serial Killer?

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Serial killers are vicious monsters. Monsters that deserve to go to jail. Monsters who had bad home lives as children and have had even harder adult lives. There is still no excuse. John Wayne Gacy eventually got the death sentence, even after he and his lawyers filed many lawsuits to stop it. The lawsuits filed and he go executed and he deserved it. John Wayne Gacy is the biggest monster in Illinois’ history, as evidenced by his thirty-three murders, mainly of teenage boys, all because he had a bad childhood and his self-conflicting struggle with his sexuality. John Wayne Gacy was born March 17, 1942 in Chicago, Illinois (bio.com 2). Gacy was a middle child, being the second of three children. His older sister Joanne, who is two years older than Gacy. His younger sister, Karen, is two years younger than him. When Gacy was eleven years old, he fell off a swing, which caused a blood clot that had gone unfound until he was sixteen. When he was seventeen, Gacy was diagnosed with a heart problem that put him in the hospital for various times throughout his life (John Wayne Gacy--The Clown That Killed 3).
Gacy had an abusive childhood, as his father …show more content…

After all this, Gacy was called to headquarters and was told about all the evidence they found with the search warrant at his house. John Wayne Gacy called his attorney, who told him not to sign the Miranda waiver, so Gacy was released. The police moved on with their investigation by interviewing Gacy’s friends. They told police nothing of interest, so the police just decided to book Gacy on possession of marijuana. The police were charging Gacy when the police lab and investigators confirmed the ring belonged to John Szyc, who disappeared on January 20, 1977 (John Wayne Gacy-- The Clown That Killed 3). The police also found three of Gacy’s employees were missing (John Wayne Gacy-- The Clown That Killed

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