Explain How The Writer Aims To Greater Your Understanding Of The Research Process

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The Writer aims to greater your understanding of the Research Process. The Writer is going to discuss the seven stages in the main text for the reader. The writer is also going to identify to the reader the six stages of the research process which are; Identification of the research question, Searching the Literature, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Results/findings, and Discussion. Part A
On conducting a literature search around the topic the research process, the writer went to college library and accessed books to find information. The books that the researcher accessed was nursing research, Principles, Process and Issues by Kader Parahoo, The Research process in nursing by Desmond …show more content…

In order to make sense of numbers they must be given a value relating to a scale such as a scale between one and ten (Parahoo 1997). There are four types of scales that can be used and these are; the nominal scale, the ordinal scale, the interval scale and the ratio scale. An example of one the scales is the nominal scale is where only part of the variables can only be measured, for example, mean and women cannot be measured against each other but an aspect such as weight can be. This work has been supported by the work of Parahoo …show more content…

Things they discuss would be do they find that the results of the research that was carried out accurate. They would also assess the approach they took whether it was the quantitative approach or the qualitative approach to see if they would use the same approach again and did they find it affective. They would also discuss in this stage the methods use in collecting data whether it was through interviews or questions and assess whether it gave them all the information in which they needed, whether they gave them accurate results and did they find that many people participated in the

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