Explain The Deuteronoic Code Of The Covenant

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The Code of the Covenant is first set of the Mosaic Laws consisting of the laws or rules first given from God to Moses, who then informed the Israelites of God's rules for the Israelites to live by. These first set of these laws or commands, from Exodus 21:2 to Exodus 23:33 by the Elohist Source, establishes guidelines for procedures of religious rituals, moral issues between individuals, legal issues concerning protection of personal property, crimes and punishment, concepts on how authorize and control a justice system and how to treat slaves. As mentioned in the scriptures from a previous chapter about Moses, while he was on top of Mt. Sinai at the same time received from God the Ten Commandments and the Code of …show more content…

The word Deuteronomy is a combination of two words "deuteros" meaning the second and "nomos" meaning law. Historically, the Deuteronomic Code is the fourth version of the Ten Commandments, Book of the Covenant and Priestly Code from Mt. Horeb instead of Mt. Sinai. Parts of the Deuteronomic Code are similar to the Code of the Covenant and the Priestly Code along with an expansion of the ethical and ritual practices. Many traditional biblical historians claim that the reason for the second writing of the previous scriptures were because Moses at this time was addressing the second and possibly third generation of Israelites that escaped from Egypt. From Genesis 9:3 by the Priestly Source, God tells Adam and Eve that every creature on earth is put on Earth for them to eat. But, in Deuteronomy 14:7-8 by the Deuteronomist Source, there are scriptures similar to the Priestly Code, from Leviticus 11:4-7 by the Priestly Source, concerning types of animals that are allowed to be eaten by the Israelites such as rabbits and …show more content…

• Leviticus 18:20 - it is unlawful for a spouse from one married couple to have an affair with a spouse of another married couple and the punishment is death for both people.
• Leviticus 19:19 - it is prohibited from wearing clothing made of two different fabrics such as a cotton shirt, blended wool/polyester pants and leather coat.
• Leviticus 19:19 - also mentions that it is against the law to plant more than one type of plant in your field.
• Leviticu 19:27 - it is forbidden to cut your hair and trim your beard.
• Leviticus 19:28 - it is a unlawful to get any tattoos.
• Leviticus 20:9 - states that if your children disobeys their punishment is death.
• Leviticus 22:19-24 - do not castrate any male humans, domestic animals or wild beasts.
• Leviticus 24:16 - states that punishment for anyone using the God's name in vain is death.
• Leviticus 25:44 - slavery is allowed.
• Deuteronomy 22:19 - a husband cannot be divorced from his wife after he falsely accuses her of not being a virgin.
• Deuteronomy 22:20-12 - if a young woman is not a virgin when she first marries she is to be stoned to