Explain The Establishment And Breakdown Of The First Triumvirate

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The establishment and breakdown of the First Triumvirate The Establishment of the First Triumvirate took place in 60 BCE when three political powers in Rome felt like their achievements were being completely disregarded by the Senate of Rome. Gaius Julius Caesar was an accomplished statesmen, Gnaius Pompeius Magnus, otherwise known Pompey a popular military and political leader and Marcus Licinius Crassus was richest man in Rome, a roman general and politician set aside their differences to form an alliance, a non legally binding agreement, in order to further their political careers. During the alliance of these political powers, many rules and legislations were created and the most powerful people, the optimates, became extremely disempowered. …show more content…

The alliance was formed in 60 bc after the roman senate, which included some of the most influential members of society, and controlled all legislative and state matters, led by Cato denied and disregarded each of these political figures. Caesar wanted triumph for what he achieved in spain, military glory, and a chance to run for consul. Pompey wanted a land bill, he promised, passed for his veterans, the eastern settlement and to marry one of catos nieces. Crassus wanted a tax rebate for financing equestrian class and power,however money alone couldn’t achieve this.Lily Ross Taylor (modern historian) agrees with Plutarch(ancient historian) by stating that Caesar Pompey and Crassus were becoming extremely frustrated with the activities of the optimates in the senate, they knew that with their enemies in control of the senate,none of them will be able to achieve their goals. Caesar masterminded the formation of the Triumvirate as he was already friends with crassus after he supported his actions to claim egypt as a tributary to rome and he was in debt to crassus because he and solidified his alliance with pompey by offering him his daughter Julias hand in marriage. The Power of these men was exemplified through their fantastic military reputations and their wealth. An allegiance between them would prove to dominate the roman political system. The establishment of the First Triumvirate resulted in many significant actions including the disempowerment of the optimates, the creating of some legislation and Caesar being elected for consul in 59

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