Explain The Key Difficulties In Deciding What Is Not A Social Problem

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Discuss the key difficulties in deciding what is and what isn’t a social problem

What is Social Policy?
The term social policy is used to refer to the study of the relationship of welfare to society and politics which focuses on the welfare and the social services that are available. In the same way that sociologists study society and psychologists study the psych, those taking up the academic field of social policy study issues such as education and poverty. The term social policy, within contemporary society, can be defined in a literal sense, such as above. Nevertheless, a question that can arise is that: How can this term be used in a broader sense? In this case, it may be used to refer to a variety of issues, whereby the welfare, along with other aspects that sculpt the welfare, are promoted, issues which are out of the range of the response of the government.
What are Social problems?
Social policies, in different forms, may be proposed, if a social condition is seen as problematic to society, which is then designated the title of a social problem. However, this relationship is quite distant from being forthright. It is, in fact, quite the contrary. The central problem that arises is the question of ‘what constitutes a social problem?’ The following will discuss the difficulties in defining what is and what not a social problem is. …show more content…

Best (2008) emphasises the role of this process, which is known as ‘The Natural History of a Social Problem.,’ and identifies six stages, the first of them being claims-making. This initial stage is where those making a claim for the recognition of a social condition as a social problem attempt to persuade others. This may involve establishing a pressure group, in the form of an organisation, such as ‘Shelter.’ However, it is important to note that these organisations tend to have a particular