
Explain The Task 3.1 Identify The Frustrations Experienced By Children And Young People.

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Task 3 3.1 IDENTIFY THE TRANSITIONS EXPERIENCED BY MORT CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE. 1 PUBERTY: when it is time for puberty the child feels confused because they cannot control what is happening to them. This puberty could make the child become argumentative with parents. This could make the child become dismissive 2 STARTING A NEW SCHOOL: When a young person or child starts new school, this could make the child become shy. This also could make the child become dismissive and even anxious. When a child starts a new school, they must make new friends and this could make the child feel nervous. 3 MOVING AWAY: This could make the child frustrated since they are being moved away from their favourite place and friends. This could make the child anxious. 4 FRIENDS MOVING AWAY: …show more content…

1 BEREAVEMENT: this is death of close family member. This could make the child feel confused and upset because they cannot see the person again. This could make the child become dismissive and withdraw. This could be very traumatic. 2 DIAGNOSES OF A DISABILITY: This could make the child feel unusual. When a child is diagnosed of disability the young person or child may feel dismissive. She may feel different. 3 PARENTAL SEPERATION: When there is a devoice both parents would not live together any more. Thee child may end up staying with one of the parents. This could make the child or young person feel frustrated and confused. This is because she only be seeing one parent as much as before. This could make the child unusual such as becoming withdrawn and being argumentative with parents. 4 NEW SIBLINGS: When a new baby comes to the house, the child or young person feel jealous because she may not get much attention as before. This could make the child feel confused. The child could feel unusual because she feels there is a new person living with them. This could make the child argumentative with

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