Explain What Methods Governments Have Tried To Regulate Internet

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The topic:
Describe methods governments have tried to regulate the Internet, and the difficulties they have experienced. Include in your discussion antitrust, taxation, and regulation of user-generated content. If you were in charge of regulating the Internet, what are some arguments for and against net neutrality using the ethical frameworks provided in class? Would your answer change if you were in charge of an Internet Service Provider instead?

The government has attempted to regulate the Internet many times in the past. In 1998, the government passed the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COOPA) which established regulations on online services, websites that are created for children under the age of 13, and others that are aware …show more content…

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of the federal government which regulates interstate and international communications (television, radio, telephone industries, and wired) in the United States. The FCC was created with the Communication Act of 1934 and was originally intended to make the regulatory process effective and efficient and expand access to communication services that are affordable. The responsibilities of the FCC range from issuing operating licenses to communication services, to maintaining moral standards designed to protect the public good. The FCC also believes in maintaining a fast and fair open internet. Having an open internet gives consumers the right to visit any legal site we want, at any giving time. Today this is defined as net neutrality. The most recent net neutrality ruling was passed on February 25, 2015. What are some of the benefits of net neutrality? With net neutrality, consumers can enjoy their internet services, applications and content without worrying about the broadband ISPs blocking, throttling, or creating fast/slow lanes for certain contain. Before this law was passed there where incidents when ISPs would discriminate or interfere with traffic or user