Explain What Was It Like Using Propaganda And Politics During 1914

615 Words3 Pages

Faith Moreno
Ms. Bodie
English 10 CP
Period 6
What was it like using propaganda & politics during 1914?

People used propaganda in a lot of ways during ww1. There were ways like using the idea of putting up posters, which in a way, was a brilliant idea. The more posters that were different yet talked about the same topic, the more people were pushed to join. Politics were also the cause of Hitler rising to power during it all. Propaganda used posters and persuasion to get people to join the army to help with political and war damage in 1914.

During the war, Germany’s access to food was cut off and exploded by France and British armies. It was very problematic because if they didn’t get enough food they could've died because of starvation and not just the main war focus. The war was a bloodbath with everyone in it, the death of all innocents in those cities. No one could do anything about it, all the lives of everyone involved will forever be in the hands of the people who killed them. Even if it was for an advantage, you always want to not include innocent people otherwise it’s a homicide, but I guess in their case it was just genocide since it was a large number of people. Even though they had a high advantage rather than a low one like the Anzac forces, The Anzac forces were able to slip away easily proving that the Turk’s …show more content…

Usually, you use persuasion by having both sides debate on what they demand, and what they’re going to give for it. It’s indeed hard to try and convince the German nation that it was a fair deal on how they were punished for their actions, which caused the war to start in the first place. Rupprecht's father, the King of Barvia, only wanted to talk about uniforms, while on the other hand, Rupprecht wanted to discuss the war. He wanted to talk about how Bavaria needed to stay strong against Prussian for her rights. But, the King did not want to talk about it with

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