Aparna after each session spent supporting with the children, Aparna reports to the teacher which includes information about how the children behaved whilst working. If Aparna have had to use any sanctions, Aparna informs to the teacher. , if children have behaved and participated well, or produced some good work, I also include the rewards I have given them e.g. stickers, showing their work to the head teacher and five minutes playing outside, similarly informing that child that she/he would have to go back to his classroom instead of joining in with the planned activity if continued to behave in a negative way.
I need to let the child know I care and help them the best I can. If a student is falling asleep in class or skipping homework If I build a relationship with them and their parents I already have an idea on what’s going on and can come up with solutions to try and
The importance of reassuring children and young people that their information is confidential is that it makes them more likely to share their information and makes them more relaxed knowing they can trust the adults working in the school with their personal information. The same really works for the adult as well. They donâ€TMt want their private business being gossiped about on the playground. Also if certain information would be shared, it could have great impact on the individualsâ€TM life.
The teachers encourage friendship building from the moment the children enter the setting. Wragg (1993) believes that relationships between child and child are extremely important and it is a teacher’s job to encourage these relationships to build. From research gathered it is believed that children build relationships with each other based on the teachers teaching styles and having a variety of teachers. This is because some teachers may tell the children to work independently in silence and not to interact with other children whilst doing so where as other teachers will get the children to complete group work and encourage them to communicate with one another. Allowing children to work together is promoting relationship building as it is allowing the children to get to know each other, they will be learning things about each other and will be forming friendships whilst doing this.
Developing positive relationships is extremely important because: it promotes shared understanding and co- operation; it promotes self-worth and self-confidence; it creates boundaries; it enables others to carry out tasks; it allows one to give and receive information in order to resolve conflicts; people are aware of how to carry out a task; it creates a happy and comfortable feel for all people involved. Especially when working with children, it is considered really important for an adult to sit next to a child in order to belay information, rather than stand above them. By doing this, the child will see the situation
There are a number of organisations that support and work with children and young people who will have a range of different needs, for example disabilities and special educational needs. These organisations liaise with one another, to share the invaluable knowledge and experience that they have gained through working with children and families, they also promote pupil support and community cohesion. These organisations also give advise and guidance to teachers and all other staff in the schools. It has to be all about ways of working together to guarantee children and young people additional support and to have the right professional in place to be able to support them. The kind of professionals that work along side schools will
If all members of the school community are using the same principles and techniques when managing behaviour, it is much more likely that the children will respond in a positive way. The children will know the range of rewards and dispensations, and the order in which they will be used, no matter who is speaking to them about their behaviour. Workforce re-modelling has had an impact on a number of different professionals who are now working in schools. Support staff and midday supervisors, as well as those running extended school provision, should know the importance and impact of consistent methods. It is also important that support staff are given status within the school so that they are respected in the same way as fully qualified teaching
When supporting children individually, you can ensure you give tailored support specific for that child’s needs instead of having to consider the needs of others. It is an ideal situation to be in but sadly it is often an unrealistic one. Therefore it is important to plan and prepare for such events to ensure you can get the most out of the session. Before you aim to support a child in this way, you must first get to know the child, their likes/dislikes, any special requirements/IEP’s/SEN’s etc. A brief conversation with their parent or carer or, if that is not possible, their class teacher, can provide you with the right information if the right questions are asked.
Homework policy outlines the roles in which a parent involved with their children’s learning and supporting the child by providing appropriate resources, in which the child will need to complete their homework and making sure it is handed in on time. Attendance policy is for the parent to ensure that their child attends school regularly, unless they have an appointment or are unwell, in which you must inform the school as soon as possible. Authorised absences during term time are not automatically authorised. Home-school agreement has been a requirement since 1999 and is generally given to parents when their child starts school, it emphasises the role of the parents in supporting, how the school uses discipline and what is expected of the
The skills needed to communicate with children and young people are listening, positive body language (nodding and sitting forward), eye contact, engaging fully in the conversation in a professional manner and offering feedback and able to talk and respond to children, young people or adults at their level of understanding which is appropriate to their age. It is highly important that you are sure that the person you are talking to understands what you are talking about and have asked them so that they can digest information and join in the conversation without feeling lost and that they are unable to follow you whilst you talk to them. For example sometimes you may need to speak clearly and concisely, using simple words for younger children
First and foremost to understand others like your peers, teachers and any other adults in authority you need to have a good positive relationship with them and so it is vital that certain principles are followed to maintain a strong and constructive relationship. The teaching assistant has to ensure, even if the classroom is in full swing, she is giving everyone equal attention and that no one is getting left out. I think that as being a teaching assistant it is important that I make every student comfortable and happy whilst their time in the school setting so having a positive interaction is important, meaning that giving the appropriate attention to the student so that the student can meet their needs. So if you have a positive relationship with a child or young person they will notice
There are many in which of one can build and maintain an effective relationship with children, young people and adults. One of the first ways in which a relationship can be built is knowing the names of children that you work with. This is fundamental when establishing a relationship with a child. Learning the name of a child shows them that you know who they are, consistently forgetting a child’s name could be perceived to be disrespectful and could leave the student feeling isolated and unwanted.
Many children go through a lot of problems and situations which can make them end up being looked after. There are children and young people benefiting and beginning a new life from this it gives them hope, self-confidence and joy to life and realising how to love and to be loved by another human being. Also, that freedom from whatever they have gone through before and recovering from that but, unfortunately not all gets a good care. Just the reason because they are being looked after care does not that mean they cannot have the same opportunities as others. A good guidance of new foster or adopted parents that local authority arranges for the child can lead them to have a happy and successful person in life.
It is important in practice as child and youth workers to try and understand everyone we are working with, this can be done by taking this approach.
However, it is just as important to recognise and reward positive behaviour by those children who always behave well. By emphasising positive behaviour in the classroom and explaining why, e.g. “look at child X, who is listening well, as they always do”, we are encouraging this behaviour, as we recognise and praise the child for behaving well. This can then improve the behaviour of other children as it is promoting a positive role