Explain Why Don T Ethical Arguments Rely On Empirical Method

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Why don’t ethical arguments rely on empirical methods?
 Ethical arguments typically has no evidence, it is just principles and morals while empirical methods has information, studies and data to back up the argument.
2.Explain the meaning of autonomy and its significance for bioethics.
 Autonomy is when health care professionals respect the decision a patient has made about what they want to do. Physician respect and follow through with what the patient wishes. In a way autonomy is like freedom of choice for the patient. It is significance to bioethics because a patient has the control of their health. This is so that doctors do not dictate what patients want to do and allows people to feel like they have a say about their bodies. With doctors and nurses following through with what a patient chooses to do and respecting the decision made produces a mutual relationship of trust.
3.How does utilitarianism determine what we ought to do?
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Utilitarianism tells a person to choose the option that will be of the greater good/ happiness and last longer. For instance, in the medical field if pharmacist has ten patients that need a specific pill to survive. However, the pharmacist only has nine pills. The only thing the pharmacist knows about the patients is that one patients needs three pills to live and all the other only need one to like. In this type of situation, the utilitarian choice would be to give the nine patients one pill to live. Unfortunately, this would cause the patient in need of three pills to die. However, you saved more lives than giving three pills to one

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