It is not just protecting children against abuse and neglect, but also to help a child to achieve their best, giving them the opportunities, nurturing and providing facilities along with keeping them safe. It is our responsibility to keep children safe such as, accidents while at school. Protecting them from bullying ensuring children can feel safe while at school and being approachable and someone for them to talk to with any concerns or problems. Regular talks during school, to explain and reinforce the consequences of bullying/cyberbully, verbal and physical abuse is not tolerated. Discussion is a vital form of communication as well as reinforcing what has been discussed. Also, keeping the environment safe and ensuring health and safety …show more content…
We must also be mindful that there are children and young people who may be at risk of Radicalisation and Extremism. Therefore, prevent training within schools is an essential need. Schools need to ensure that there is a balanced and broad curriculum which promotes the moral, social and cultural development of all children. As well as, assessing risk of pupils who may be drawn into terrorism. Manage online material and prohibit extremist speakers at any events. Training staff to recognise signs of possible radicalisation and extremism and being aware of the procedures to follow, having a single point of contact for Prevent such as the designated safeguard person. Also, referrals can be directed to Channel programme which focuses on providing support to people who may be vulnerable to radicalisation. The participation of the individual is voluntary. Also, being able to recognise signs of sexual exploitation and young girls who may be at risk from Female Genital Mutilation. Also, young girls being forced into arranged marriages which in the UK is illegal. Protecting and preventing such activities is important and knowing the signs and recognising behaviour which may suggest that any of the mentioned may happen it is imperative to act