Explain Why Soccer Is Important To Me Essay

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Some people find it peculiar that someone would voluntarily sacrifice their spare time to train. And to be honest I don't think I can describe it in a logical way. Because I believe that only someone in my position can understand the way I feel. Because it's the fear that drives me to pursue my dreams, the fear that I wake up with everyday knowing that if I don't train today I will be one step further away from success, my success in the beautiful game. A game that the world calls football and for some bizarre reason most people refer to it as soccer.

Regardless, there is no other activity that requires such athleticism, mental proficiency and skill. It is without a doubt one of the toughest games to learn. That is often why training can be frightening, dribbling, passing, crossing, …show more content…

Some people nod their heads and say I shouldn't train that much but it seems the people advising me are in no position to judge. Because I have become faster and more agile. When there was a lack of plan to follow I created my own. To me there are no such things as limits when I reach what I think is the end I improvise. There are no limits. To me this isn't a hobby anymore somewhere along the process, I remember the old me, the little girl who believed she could achieve anything and I don't know what made that little girl lose sight of her dreams and become complacent with living an ordinary life. Perhaps I was scared but like limits, fear is just an illusion another test from the universe to see how badly you want to succeed. And I promised this little girl inside of me that we are going to give this one more chance because there nothing more than I want to play professional. I want to feel the adrenalin from running with the ball, I want to make magic in the field. I need this. There are no other options, anything else would be taking the easy way