Explain Why Students Should Be Able To Pick Out The Books They Read In Class

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Students should be able to pick out the books they read in class. First, if students got to pick the books it could excite them more. Next, they could find a book they relate to. Lastly, they could pick books that benefit them more. Students should get to pick the books they read in class.
To begin with, if students got to pick out the book they wanted then the could find one that excites them. Everyone has their bad experience with a book the teacher picked out. I can remember a time when the teacher picked the book and the whole class didn’t like it so no one read and no one knew what was going on. This just shows how when students can’t pick a book they become less interested and will choose not to read it. Students learn from reading. For example, not having the book they enjoy the will want to read less which will cause their vocabulary to go down and they won’t learn anything. As you can see when kids aren’t excited about a book they start reading less and less causing their grade level to drop which will affect them later on in life. …show more content…

By picking books they relate to, they will feel like someone knows what’s going on which will help with their attitude towards the book. That shows when students can pick a book they can relate to they probably will become happier which will lead to reading more which in turn can lead to higher grades. Let's say a student is going through a hard time, well if they find a book they relate to it can have a lesson that they can use to help them get through hard times. To demonstrate, by finding a book they relate to it helps them in life and be a happier