Explain Why Teenagers Should Not Have To Get Parents Permission To Obtain Contraceptives

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Today, any teenager in any state can legally obtain contraceptives without their parents ever knowing. Federal lawmakers in some states are trying to take that away. These lawmakers are trying to take away teen’s civil rights of privacy. Even though, if parents were in charge of contraceptives, teenagers would involve in less risky activities, teens should not have to get parents’ permission to obtain contraceptives. Teens do not want to talk to their parents about sex; therefore, they will not partake in safe sex. This would result in more teen pregnancies and a spread of sexually transmitted diseases. The most important reason why teens should not have to get a parent’s permission to obtain contraceptives is that it violates teenagers’ civil rights of …show more content…

One cannot deny that if parents were actively involved in their teen’s lives that they would be better behaved than the teens of parents who do not show any structure. It is possible that a portion of teens and their parents would grow closer together and be able to talk about more things if this law is enacted. If teens can talk about sex with their parents, then there wouldn’t be much left for them to hide. They should feel more comfortable and safer knowing that they could confide in their parents. However, not all parents will accept that their teen is sexually active and they may discipline their teen after finding out. This would not make for a healthy relationship and that teen would not feel comfortable telling their parent anything more. Therefore these teens would have no way of receiving contraceptives and would continue to engage in unsafe sex and they would be putting their health and well-being at risk. NCBI did a study on the relationship between parenting and teenagers' early sexual risk-taking. The study found that “Parental supportiveness was positively associated with all