It’s quite an absurd claim that at 16, we’re still children. At the age of 18, we’re considered to be an “adult”, and yet the real test of adulthood is at 21, where you get full rights to things such as drinking and smoking. People also ignore the fact that we are seemingly supposed to be conscious and plan out what we want to do with our lives at the age of 13-14. Nobody knows adamantly what job they want in the future, nobody knows what their education in school and college will put them through and by the time they’re 16, it’s too late to change what you want to study, we’ll just be wasting years of our lives. We have to decide our future at the age of 14 but vote is a no-no? If you think about it a sixteen year old is already allowed to do many things such as: get a job legally, get a driver's license, and some are allowed to get married with parental consent. Everyone who has a job has to get taxed including 16 and 17 year old kids, so why don't we get an opportunity to vote when we’re paying the government. 16-17 year old teens are put behind a wheel and told they have their lives and those of others on the road, in their hands. But, a right to vote is much more minuscule than a person’s life. Or, should be at least. …show more content…
The fact that people think we’re immature to vote or have a say in the future of our country is ridiculous. In grade 10, the age of 15/16, kids must take a course called civics in which they learn about different parties, voting, citizenship..etc. We are as involved in the society as much as others, if not more and we do care a lot. Many issues relate to us. And, to all the people who think we don't care, just think deeply about it… Is it the youth that is not interested in politics or is it the politics that is not interested in the