Exploitation Of African American Slavery Essay

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The Exploitation of African American Slaves

African Americans have faced oppression for decades. Today oppression on this race comes from the many controlling systems of the government and lower standards of care for densely populated communities of this race. Education, healthcare, housing, are some of the ways the quality of life of African Americans is less. In the 1600s towards the 1860s slavery on America became a system of control and a power struggle for African Americans. Many of their traditions were not accept as white supremacist and Slave owners wanted to cut off African American's connection to their true selves. African Americans were shamed for their kinky hair, physique, and dark skin. They were put on display for their appearance in embarrassing ways. Sara Bartman was a Khoikhoi women who …show more content…

This was done so that slave owners could make as much profit as they could. Then they would also be branded with a hot iron to identify them as slaves.
Slaves would stand on a raised platform so that they could be seen by the buyers. Before bidding started, prospected buyers could come onto the platform to inspect the slaves closely. The slaves had to endure being poked and forced to open their mouths for the buyers. Many of the enslaved Black men and women were stripped naked buyers to inspect for signs of diseases and scars. http://www.historyonthenet.com/black-peoples-of-america-the-slave-auction/
Lighter skin and straight hair slaves had higher prices at auctions and valued more. When slaves were under their masters care some women were raped by masters as it was considered “good for them”, they had little choice in what they wanted and were often suppressed under slavery. Many slave masters saw the sexual relations as healthy and necessary for more slaves to work on the field.

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