Exploratory Essay

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Ainsworth has positioned the value of curriculum built on a clearly defined set of intentions and standards for guiding student achievement and progress. He explains that “a rigorous curriculum serves as both the detailed road map and the high quality delivery system for ensuring that all students achieve the desired end: the attainment of their designated grade- or course-specific standards within a particular content area” (Ainsworth, 2010, p. 8). Considering this definition for curriculum, there must be a deliberate focus on the standards that guide curriculum and instruction. Therefore, the process by which the standards are prioritized requires an equally thoughtful level of attention and execution.
Consequently, the rigor and efficacy …show more content…

Without utilizing priority standards along with targeted learning goals, the curriculum taught is not viable. Meaning it will be limited in depth, focus and reach; which essentially renders it ineffective to produce the type of learning outcomes students and teachers need for academic progression. Ainsworth explains that prioritizing standards ensures that curriculum and instruction work successfully to promote student comprehension and mastery. “Teachers need to prioritize a set of content standards so they can identify the content standards at which they will devote powerful, thoroughgoing instruction, and then they need to formally and systematically assess student mastery of only those high-priority” (Ainsworth, 2015, p. 85). When learning intentions do not correlate with how students are assessed and cannot be leveraged across subject content or disciplines, instruction does not build student capacity. Additionally, when students are unable to make the appropriate progression in the curriculum because of misguided instruction they do not retain or appropriately contextualize information. Likewise, they are unable to demonstrate comprehension and mastery of concepts to perform state standardized …show more content…

I believe that these intentions enhance the value an efficacy of instruction. As a consultant and homeschool teacher, I have learned that without accounting for the base level of understanding a student has already attained, the direction and depth of instruction cannot be effectively targeted or leveraged to accomplish the goals of a unit. Learning intentions are equally as important as the standards prioritized for instruction. Skill-building is integral to student achievement, and serves an assistive purpose to align the intention of a unit with the criteria that define successful learning and mastery of the material. Through the application of success criteria, I can keep the end goal of a unit and the tools for assessing progression at the forefront of how I engage students and the methods I employ to “sharply focus… curriculum choices, instructional delivery, and selection of learning activities for the entire unit” (Ainsworth, 2015, p.

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