Exploring The Relationship Between Bullying And Depression

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I think that all of these topics about bullying and depression are related because they can all hurt people in some way. All these topics tie together through bullying. Depression and stress mainly comes from bullying most of the time that's how they all tie together. Bullying is the core of all of these problems because they start these problems. Bullying starts a lot of problems for the people that are getting bullied also they can become suicidal. Another problem about these topics are that people are scared to talk to people about this and go stand up for themselves and to get the bully in trouble. Bullying is very bad because it can leave the person getting bullied in a terrible state ether physically or mentally. The person could be getting beat up by the bullies or bully or the bully could be verbally abusing them. Both these kinds of bullying can make the person depressed and they could pull themselves away from friends or family. If you know that your friend is being bullied you should go ask the bully to quit or talk to an adult about how bad its affected the …show more content…

Sometimes it can be worse than regular bullying because it can be hard to trace it back to the people who did it. People use social media pages and that also post mean posts and comments to hurt the person. If you are the person that is getting bullied through messages or social media you should ignore or block the bully then you should save the messages so you have proof of the bullying. Next you should talk to a adult or show the messages to the adult so you could hopefully find the bully. Cyberbullying is also a type of verbal abuse or some bullies try to get the people in trouble that send weird messages to people. The bully gets the images and then tries to humiliate or expose them and make them feel bad. Cyberbullying can sometimes be worse than bullying because when something gets posted online it stays online even if you delete