
Fahrenheit 451 Comparison Essay

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Many novels and movies today are classified as a dystopia/ utopia genre. The dystopian genre is a futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through a corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control. This is combined with the utopian genre because utopia is a place, state, or condition that is ideally perfect in respect of politics, laws, customs, and conditions. A popular book that’s classified as this genre is Fahrenheit 451 along with the Hunger games which is also a movie. The Hunger games and Fahrenheit 451 fit into this genre due to their characteristics, characters, and the type of dystopian controls. Fahrenheit 451 is classified as a dystopia and utopia genre because of …show more content…

This gives the citizens little information about what is going on in the world and doesn’t give them anything to create ideas upon. They go through the same routine every day. Everyone does the same thing, nothing ever changes, because people believe they have a perfect society. Nobody wants to make a change and people’s freedom is so limited that they are too cowardly to stand up. An example of this in the novel was when Faber told Montag how much of a coward he was because even though he wanted to make a change he wouldn’t stand up. All the citizens are being watched. If someone had books the mechanical hound would find them shortly after they have received the book. Everyone in the society is scared of the outside world and they look down upon other societies. They feel as though that they are wrong for wanting to read or own literature. Those characteristics are a perfect example of a dystopian society. The government/ firemen control the people. The firemen are a big part of controlling the town because they are the ones that burn these

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