Faith And Reason 2009 By James T. Keane: Article Analysis

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There has been a never-ending debate over whether faith and reason are capable of coexisting. The article by James T. Keane, was especially interesting, giving us a viewpoint of both religious and scientific. Trying to navigate the relationship between faith and reason can be a challenging one, as noted by many of the speakers at this conference. Faith may be explained as belief, trust, or hope. I have heard many times explained that faith can be an assurance to many that are feeling troubled. For many, it is their religious faith that helps them to cope. Religion directly leads to faith. And for many, a strong faith is essential to their identity.
This article was written about a conference that took place in 2009 at Fordham’s Rose Hill Campus. It was entitled “Faith and Reason 2009: A Dialogue at the Heart of Jesuit Education and it was held from June 16th to the 18th. The keynote speakers for the conference were Charles Taylor, John W. O’Malley, S.J., the Rev. Michael Himes, and Christine Wiseman. …show more content…

In speaking on adventures in reason, Taylor’s focus was on reason rather than faith. Stating that “our societal trust in reason had taken a wrong turn or two in recent centuries.” Two of his critiques were with the acceptance our culture has with reason alone especially in our interpretation of biblical texts, and the belief placed on reason to explain reality. Ultimately, Taylor noted that “if we elevate reason beyond its capabilities and limitations, we make an idol just as much as any fundamentalist makes an idol of his or her articles of