Fall Of Rome Dbq Essay

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What were the primary reasons for the fall of Rome Did you know that the Roman Empire lasted over 1000 years? The Roman Empire started around 750 BCE and ended around the 5th century CE. The roman empire took place in the middle east, northern Africa, the Mediterranean region, and western Europe. What were the primary reasons for the fall of Rome? After examining these documents, my three reasons for the fall of Rome are, Foreign invaders invading Rome, natural disasters, and the citizens weren't wearing armor. The first reason for the fall of Rome is that foreign invaders were invading Rome. the map in document C shows a lot of the foreign invaders coming to Rome to invade Rome. (Document C) My reason why I picked this is that when the invaders invaded Rome, the roman army is getting weaker and other armies are attacking Rome and the roman army runs away instead of fighting back. So the invaders can easily attack Rome without dying. The Romans were also getting lazier so they didn't protect their city. …show more content…

Document B showed " the Romans didn't wear their armor foot soldiers wore breastplates and helmets. But when, because of negligence and laziness, parade ground drills were abandoned, the customary armor began to seem heavy since the soldiers rarely ever wore it." (document B) The reason why I picked this was that, during the wars, the Romans died because they weren't wearing the armor and protection they needed to survive. during the wars they had, they also died because they got shot by arrows without wearing their protection. Many of the Romans died because of this. The last reason for the fall of Rome is because of all the natural disasters Rome had. Document F showed "the Roman world was

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