Family Guy Essay

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The hit animated comedy by Seth MacFarlane “Family Guy” first aired in 1999. The show features a family named “The Griffins” in the suburbs with the main character being the family's father, Peter. Peter is a comedic, insensitive, and mentally challenged man who finds humor in sensitive issues in society. Social and political issues are constantly danced on in the show, and no group, gender, sexual orientation, or religion is safe from the humor on the show. This has caused a lot of controversies in society and the show was even “canceled” at one point in 2002 despite the show strictly joking with no ill intention. To quote a statement from Peacocke, “In fact, Family Guy does not aim to hurt, and its creators take certain measures to keep it …show more content…

The primary main characters in “Regular Show” are a brown raccoon named Rigby and a blue jay named Mordecai. One of the most important main characters in “Family Guy” is the Griffin family’s dog, Brian. Citing from Brian Griffin, “Even more than the child prodigy, Stewie, Brian is the most cerebral member of the Griffin family (1).” This is rather ironic that Brian is the most normal in the family, considering he is the only animal in the Griffin household. This is comparable to Mordecai and Rigby in the “Regular Show” because the two best friends seem to be the most normal at the park. Both shows utilize the crazy element of using animals to depict how the animals are more normal than the people in the …show more content…

Citing from McKenna, “Family Guy's target audience is for people over 14 years of age and leaning more towards the audience of guys (1).” First, “Family Guy” is much more vulgar than “Regular Show”, but this does not mean the two are not similar. The example I cited in body paragraph one more than proves that “Regular Show” has its vulgar moments. Secondly, “Family Guy” does target older people with the humor depicted, but the show also targets teenagers. Both shows have a vast viewing audience in the teenage and young adult range. Lastly, any two shows are not going to have the same plot. However, “Regular Show” and “Family Guy” both have wacky twists, and plot turns that make the audience question what planet they are on. This can especially be seen in the multiverse episode where Brian and Stewie traverse many planets in “Family Guy”. Both shows do a fantastic job of delivering a hilarious, crazy story to any viewer