
Family Structures In Violent Video Games

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Throughout the years, many lifestyle factors have changed, leading to a different way of living. For example, kids are no longer playing together to occupy their time, instead they are playing against each other in violent video games. Today’s youth are more interested in the damage that can be done online, through games such as Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty, rather than if their grades are sufficient enough to play on the school basketball team. These violent pastimes obviously take a toll on children who play them and their overall views on how life should be led, but video games are not the only factor that contributes to the everyday lifestyle. Family structures also play a substantial role in the shaping of young minds. One family structure …show more content…

At Freeburg High School we have a mentoring program, however it is limited to only seniors. If the school were to expand the program to include freshmen, sophomores, and juniors as well, the program could be more effective. For even better results the community could create a mentoring program for adolescents in our area. The main idea for mentoring is to form personal relationships with youths in our area and give them positive role models. The mentor could help the mentee with school work or help them to successfully transition into adulthood by teaching them how to function in …show more content…

Since the beginning of the academic year I’ve noticed that the parental involvement in school work has decreased rapidly. Currently, Mrs. Mitchell’s first grade class is learning about addition and subtraction, each night students are sent home with a math worksheet to complete. When the student is finished the parents are expected to look over the child’s answers and help them with the questions they missed, when all of the answers are correct the parent must sign at the bottom of the worksheet. However, when I grade the worksheets the following day it is abundantly clear that over half of the parents do not look at the sheet due to the fact that they sign but the child still misses about ten problems. It is obvious that some parents are not giving the children the academic encouragement and support that the student needs. My job as a mentor is to encourage the students where the parents do not so I sit down with them and help work out the math problems and I read their A.R. books with them to help them understand what is happening in the story to prepare them for their tests. I do not stop at just the academic level, I often sit down with the students one-on-one and ask them about their weekend or their holiday, my goal is form personal relationships with the children so that they learn at an early age how

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