1.1 Explain The Importance Of Partnership Between Parents And Schools

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Partnership between parents and schools plays a crucial role in a childs development. A positive parent-teacher relationship helps your child feel good about school and be successful in school. It demonstrates to your child that they can trust their teacher, because you do. The partnership between parents/carers and the school needs to be a two way relationship, the parents need information about what and how their child is learning, and the teacher needs important feedback from the parent about the child’s academic and social development. This positive partnership makes a child feel like the important people in his life are working together for the benefit of him/her. All adults must remember that the child is number one priority, and form a strong …show more content…

However even simple factors such as giving specific rather than general praise, showing interest in things their child shows interest in and establishing routines that promote health, well being and regular study still do make a difference in the way that children view school and learning and the value they hold to their working relationship with teachers.
Parents can help the school and their children develop is supporting homework expectations attending open days and parents evenings. Homework is set by teachers when they feel it necessary to check the understanding of what was taught in the lesson, or to expand their knowledge further. If parents are there to support, help and encourage this to be completed it creates a positive learning environment and teaches organisational and study skills that will stay with the child(ren) for life. Open days and parent/carer evenings allow direct contact between the parent and teacher, giving both the chance to discuss the students progress both at home and in school, along with any worries or concerns either may