Farmageddon Documentary Analysis

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There is a new food revolution beginning it is one that is getting back to the roots of our foods; natural unprocessed foods. Many people with and without health ailments are discovering how whole, natural foods benefit their health. Farmageddon is a documentary that reveals how the USDA, FDA, and other regulating agencies are sabotaging the efforts of both individuals and local small producers to enable access to these organic, locally grown and raised foods and meats. The documentary tells the story of independent family farms and small businesses that were, or are, providing safe, healthy foods and were either forced to shut down, or nearly forced to shut down, due to seizures and unjustified searches. These seizures and searches also lead to the …show more content…

These mandates maybe eighty or more years old and not applicable to today’s small family farms, however they are enforced by these agencies with extreme force; guns drawn, SWAT and tactile teams in place. Do they use such force at large corporate farms? Farmageddon clearly announces that none of these businesses or farmers had complaints against them or had been the source of a food borne illness, in fact Farmageddon comments on the fact that 100% of food borne illness and food recalls have occurred in large agribusinesses not the local, small organic producers. Farmageddon, also notes that if there ever was a food borne illness related to these small, local producers it would be quickly discovered, easily traceable and would not lead to multistate recalls. The government agencies did not have much comment on the cases highlighted in the film. The only real argument for their action is the law is the law, however the law maybe interpreted a little too tightly and is definitely not written for today’s agribusiness practices of the small family farms and