Fast Food And Obesity In The United States

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Throughout this research paper, you will be enlightened as we speak about how fast foods cause obesity, secondly, how many people in America eat fast food, and lastly, how we can eat fast food and still eat healthily. This is a story about how my own life is very busy and my family is affected by eating fast food all the time and it may be affecting their health. The question would be, how many times a week do our families eat fast food? Since we all eat fast food, here is a way that we all can learn a little about how we can benefit from this information. Here is where we would receive information on how fast foods causes obesity. Information on how cheap food is, how convenient it is to get fast food whether it is from a gas station or any …show more content…

Researchers would also like to talk about how many calories are in the fast food and how advertisement draws us and children in the picture. We as people would like to know how society has geared us to become fast-paced and to help simplify life and to let us know how easy they have made it for us to eat on the go. We also would like to mention the fact that most Americans are getting less exercise, walking than ever and more driving. Nevertheless, eating at buffets and food outlets which offers more value meals, providing more food for less cost. 7-Eleven’s Double Gulp serves up to 64 ounces of soda, and “McDonald’s has made ‘super-size it ‘a verb.” Fast food causes obesity due to very high caloric density (Obesity Talk). Then having unhealthy eating habits such as consuming high-fat, high-sugar foods are widely available, taste good and cost less than healthier foods. Vending machines are ubiquitous, Kentucky Fried Chicken delivers and most fast-food outlets now serve breakfast. “Could there be a better fat -delivery vehicle than a bacon-egg-and-cheese muffin? “said Brownell Kelly Brownell Physiology Professor Yale