Fast Food In The 1950's Essay

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In the United States of America the growth of obesity has dramatically changed over the years. Although obesity in the United States has progressed over time fast food restaurants are responsible for the obesity in today's society. In the 1950’s fast food restaurants were introduced.
Families could eat as they did in the 1950s to avoid obesity, according to report on modern diets. However, fast food restaurants are making this more difficult. Although obesity in the United States has progressed overtime, fast food restaurants are responsible for the obesity in today's society. Portion sizes have ballooned in the last few decades - with people filling their plates to the brim and cleaning them of every last morsel. In addition to America, Great Britain has see similar activities occur. British retailers are selling food in …show more content…

In today's society restaurants have changed their style of cooking. Restaurants like Mcdonalds use a lot of ol oil and and they deep fry everything on the menu. Some fast food restaurants add ingredients that make people love the food that they are eating. In the 1950’s fast food restaurants sold healthy food. The style of food preparation plays a huge role in obesity because fast food restaurants have an assembly line. Michael Pollan, a professor at California-Berkely had some real thoughts on the fast food cooking methods. “The food they’re cooking is making people sick,” Pollan has said of big food companies. “It is one of the reasons that we have the obesity and diabetes epidemics that we do. If you’re going to let industries decide how much salt, sugar and fat is in your food, they’re going to put in as much as they possibly can. They will push those buttons until we scream or die.” The solution, in Pollan’s view, is to replace Big Food’s engineered, edible evil—through public education and regulation, with fresh, unprocessed, local, seasonal, real food