Fast Food Being The New Tobacco Analysis

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Is “Fast Food Being the New Tobacco”? Why should anyone care if people compare fast food as drugs? Given that we need food to grow our everyday lives, food is an important aspect of living. Hence, it is noteworthy to pay attention to what goes on with the food that we eat. It is very imperative to know how fast food is produced, where it is prepared and who is in charge of controlling it. Many bloggers, writers, and nutritionists argue that there is a correlation between fast food and poor health and the government should manage it as that of tobacco products. The section “Fast Food Being the New Tobacco” identifies the different argument analyzed by Marion Nestle, Redley Balko and Kristen Kirkpatrick. When it comes to the topic, Marion urges …show more content…

He explained how people in the drive-thru line of a fast food chain order a well-balanced meal which contains fiber and nutrients. He poses that they are actually willing to surrender their healthfulness for the tastes and better convenience; this actually is what the trade offers. He explained that the money paid for eating the food is not at the cash register, but apparently in the saturated fat and sodium starts taking effect through the health ramifications associated with the meal. A new study by the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, which indicates the damage done to the arteries, happens almost immediately after eating a junk food. He tried to emphasize his point that taking moderate junk food does not actually exist in the real sense. He analyzed the study and statistically measured that tested 28 healthy, non-smoking men between the ages of 18 and 50 years for the impact of junk food. They fed them with Mediterranean-based food. And a week later, they observed that the object consumed zero grams of omega-3s and 15 grams of saturated fat from the fast food egg, sausage and cheese muffin sandwich they took. He concluded with an advice to family wellbeing to steer clear of restaurants and fast foods and people should start redefining their family’s fast food concept. Kristin Kirkpatrick portrayed his idea of fast food in …show more content…

They live by themselves and nobody cares about anyone. Furthermore, I do not feel it is necessary for the government to waste resources into monitoring and regulating fast food chains because it would not provide any solution to obesity. Despite the fact that I agree with Balko, I still strongly accept Kristin’s opinion. It is not reasonable as obesity rate is increasing unnecessarily and government expending such huge amount to treat obesity. Kristin is likewise right that there are very numerous fast food chains and insufficient healthy options. Additionally, he has established that foods from restaurants are not suitable for the human system. However, his studies have also proven that fast food has damaged different arteries and he also pointed out a study from the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, where he find out at that kids consume more calories after eating of fast foods compared to days they ate at home. In spite of the fact that I do concur that fast food chains ought to mark their items for consumer learning, realizing that a twofold cheeseburger or a plate of salad presented with dressing and a substantial soda is unhealthy is just an ordinary common sense. The fact that restaurant chains abstain from marking and labeling their foods is not an accepted excuse for eating them. Individuals ought to realize that restaurants are regularly