Fast Food Nation: Foodborne Pathogens And Disease

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The early 1900s the first fast food restaurant named A&W was opening. Soon after the White Castle restaurant was open as known as the second fast food restaurant in the United States. In 1940, the McDonald’s siblings took a step in the fast food industry and named the restaurant after their last name. The fast food industry started to grow, and many different restaurants got involve. McDonald's Corporations grew faster than the other, they not only stay in the United States, they also take an advance step to the world. Since then until now McDonald's Corporation has operated over 31,000 restaurants worldwide around six continents, estimated that up to 126 countries. However, the fast food quickly leads to processed food, and it loads mainly with sugar, salt and unhealthy fats, preservatives and other additives that harmful to the human's body. In the book "Fast Food Nation," Eric Schlosser has listed the reasons why American choose processed food instead of whole …show more content…

However processed food contained different chemicals that damage to the human body cause foodborne pathogens and disease. Foodborne pathogens and disease are the illness that the scientists find in most processed food, in another word are food poisoning. According to the Fast Food Nation, Schlosser has cited different ailments of foodborne and disease, "Recent studies have found that many foodborne pathogens can precipitate long-term ailments, such as heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, neurological problems, autoimmune disorders, and kidney damage." (195). The processed food has different chemicals; some might cause people overeat, another persistent chemicals might link to human mood and brain, even lead to cancer. As circumstances, processed food might cause infertility and malnutrition. Based on Schlosser research roughly 200,000 people are sickened by a foodborne disease, 900 are hositalized, and fourteen die over years.