Fatal Medical Experiments During The Holocaust

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During the Holocaust, the officers did brutal experiments to the Jews. They would perform fatal medical experiments on them, which was torture, just to find cures for their own people. If they found cures they would not help cure the Jews if they were sick. Once the test subject could no longer perform the tasks the scientist wanted them to do, they would kill them. To kill them they would either put them through so much pain their bodies could not take it anymore or they would shoot them. They have painful ways to get the infections into the test subjects body. The scientists would create many different diseases in the victim's body. They stated that they did the experiments to find treatments for malaria, typhus, tuberculosis, typhoid fevers, and hepatitis (Nazi). To get the infections into the test subjects body, they would either cut wounds with knives or anything they could find and let infection start on its own or inject it themselves through shots. When they cut the Jews they would purposely not sterilize the equipment. Scientists creating diseases inside of people was a cruel thing to do. Their reasoning for doing this was to find cures …show more content…

“Without any reason they made a cut, about 10 centimeters long and 2 centimeters wide, in my arm above the palm of my hand. Today I understand that the surgery that was done on me without anesthesia was done purposely with tools that were not sterilized to cause infection. At the time they kept exchanging the bandages with different medicated creams and liquids. The bandage was not wrapped around the arm but only covered the wound. Every day they examined the cut and each time the cut was about to heal, they reopened it and started the whole thing from the beginning” (Conference). When they would cut these people they would not get them any anesthetics. These people would get such bad infections, from not keeping the wound clean, that some would lose their