Fayol Analysis In Relation To Your Workplace

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Fayol Analysis in Relation to Contemporary Theory/Theorists Analysis and Application in Relation to Your Workplace
Fayol used the Concept of General Theory of Administration while Taylor used the concept of Scientific Management. The American mechanical engineer Frederick Taylor was the father of scientific management (U4, p38). Even though he shared some ideas with his predecessor Fayol, such as the use of performance bonuses for employees (u4, p38) (Background note 4.1, P2), they differed in several aspects.
Whilst Fayol had a top down management perspective, Taylor saw it as a bottom-up process, where the administrative side is a derivative of the operational side (ProvenModels, 2018).Furthermore, due to his engineering background (Wikipedia), Taylor differed from Fayol in orientation and results. Taylor valued …show more content…

(2018). Frederick Winslow Taylor. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Winslow_Taylor [Accessed 21 Jan. 2018]. In my workplace there is a top-down management style and there are no financial incentives for exceptional performance.
I believe that my workplace fails at not implementing more matrix management and process improvement methods that Taylor would certainly advocate.
My workplace style of management misses many opportunities to analyse and act upon Mayo’s concepts regarding psychological reasons to “get the most” out of the employees. My workplace has a loyalty bonus for staff that stay in the company for longer than two years and sadly, it seems like this is the maximum effort I have witnessed in terms of improving loyalty and intrinsic motivation.
Fayol created six functions of management, which included Planning, Commanding, Organising, Coordinating and Controlling (Background note 4.1, P3). Even though Mintzberg was taking strides to highlight the importance of networking and dissemination, neither Fayol nor Mintzberg specifically identified the importance of relationships in management (U4,