Fear And Order In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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The themes of fear and rules and order coincide together and weigh heavily throughout the story, and are amongst some of the most changed themes. Are you a strong believer in rules and order? Do you believe yourself to be fearless? The novel, Lord of The Flies by William Golding, strongly shows these two important themes in life, and how they coincide with each other. This story is told through the eyes of Ralph, the leader of a group of adolescent boys who survived a plane crash and are now stranded on a deserted island. They all work together to try and survive, and perhaps be rescued. This novel shows how rules and order thrive at first, how it begins to falter, then eventually succumbs to fear. Right when the boys crashed they started to look for others. They all came together to form a society that was based around a white conch shell. Right in the beginning the boys decided to elect a leader and they chose Ralph. Ralph then gave Jack and the rest of the choir boys the role of hunting. Electing a leader and the leader giving people jobs and roles is to create order. While also at this meeting the boys decided to set rules, one of them being whoever holds the conch has the right to speak. In the very beginning the …show more content…

Fear is something primal, something imbedded into our genetic code. It all began when one of the boys brought up at a meeting the there was something out there, in the jungle watching them. He called it a "beastie". This made everyone in the group stir at the thought. It hit that primal note in their brains. This point in the novel you'll see the rules and order they set up begin to fall apart. Jack begins to disobey Ralph and the other boys slowly begin to do their own thing. Though all order isn't lost because they still listen to what Jack says and come to a meeting when the conch is blown. Fear is a seed that once sown, it will fester, and is near impossible to get rid