Fear In Lord Of The Flies

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In 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president of the United States, said that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Fear overwhelms the body. It’s what gives us motivation to survive. In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, fear plays a huge part in how the boys react to being stranded on the island. Every action is controlled by fear. Although the boys try to conquer their fears, it is impossible to do, because if they were to succeed they would feel no reason to survive or live. Without fear, life would be boring. We would never take chances or wonder about the unknown.
Fear can make people behave in ways that are unfamiliar to them. The boys in The Lord of the Flies are controlled by their fear. Initially, the boys have fear of being stranded alone, on …show more content…

To help adapt, the children unite as one group with Ralph and Jack as the two main sources of power. Ralph and Jack have two different opinions about what should be done. Ralphs biggest fear is that they will never be rescued, where as Jack’s biggest fear is that they will be unable to kill a pig for meat. Slowly, rules begin to be broken, individuals rebel and the group begins to break apart. As the group begins to fall apart, the group gathers for an assembly. Ralph says; “We’ve got to talk about this fear and decide there’s nothing in it. I’m frightened myself, sometimes; only that’s nonsense! Like bogies. Then, when we’ve decided, we can start again and be careful about things like the fire (Golding 82).” The boys shouldn’t just be focused on surviving rather, their focus should be towards the fire and rescue. Being rescued should be the boys first priority. With much doubt amongst the group it makes it difficult. The boys must learn to work together. They must learn to hunt and gather food, keep a fire going and continue to