Fear In Diary Of Anne Frank And Van Daan's Life

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A key theme that was repeatedly shown in the Diary of Anne Frank was fear. The important but inconsolable period of time that the Frank family and the Van Daan’s went through, the play illustrates how much fear took a toll on the Franks and Van Daan’s life. The Nazi’s were putting the fear of fear into Jews. The text that was said in the play was when Anne woke up from her sleep having a nightmare about her friend Jopie getting taken by the Green Police. Even though Anne doesn’t show it, she felt fear. How was fear repeatedly shown throughout the play? Fear was shown when someone in the play said this line, “Kraler relates that there is a man who works at the business who keeps asking about the Franks, and whether Kraler knows their whereabouts. Then he asks for a raise, it’s clearly blackmail.” It shows fear because at this very moment they are just waiting to basically get caught. It’s a constant fear that they can’t necessarily get rid of that easily. They would need something, a distraction, to ease their minds from what they had talked about. Everything they had talked about was continuing to scare them, if a green police car would pass by, if someone would knock, it would scare …show more content…

Every single thing scared them, they had to be ready just in case something happened. Another piece of evidence that fear was shown in the play was when the narrator said, “The good times are fleeting however, as the Gestapo have found the stolen radio and Mr.Dussel is sure they will trace it back to the group in the annex.” It shows fear in a way that the families know that the Gestapo could trace the radio any day and that they are about to get caught. Now the families are scared and are now checking out the window that they had in the annex to see if anyone is going to end up finding them. It was just a matter of time before they were going to get caught. Every sudden move they would make, they would get frozen in